Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Or, know to librarians Worldwide, That Guernsey book.

I loved loved loved loved this book. It will go on my list as one of my all time favorites. It was amazing. I want to live in Guernsey.

I love listening to books on tape. I listen in my car as I drive my kids to school, I listen in my house as I do my housework. Its my way of never being away from a book.

I am very selective about what I listen to vs what I read. My kids are always around so I don't want to listen to anything that might have things I don't want my kids to hear, not that they pay much attention. This book is the perfect book to listen to. Not only is it clean, the readers are great. The main character Juliette is adorable. I want to be British. How great would it be to speak in a beautiful accent.

In the beginning this book can be a little confusing. It is written as a series of letters, and takes place immediately after World War II. But, bare with it because before long you will fall in love with the people. It is also a great book for book lovers. They spend a good portion of the book talking about books. That is my favorite subject of all, besides my children, so what's not to love about a book that talks about books! I definitely want to go read the books they talk about now!

This book has great heart and leaves you feeling like there is love in the World. You must must must read this book! I can't possibly say enough things about it! I am in love!

My favorite quote from this book - "That's what I love about reading: one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing will lead you to another book, and another bit there will lead you onto a third book. It's geometrically progressive - all with no end in sight, and for no other reason than sheer enjoyment."

A note about the author. Mary Ann Shaffer passed away in Feb. 2008 before she was able to finish this book. Her niece, Annie Barrows, finished the book for her. Its amazing how seamlessly she was able to complete it. Annie Barrows writes Children's books.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Akimbo and the Elephants reviewed by Lij

I have been MIA lately and I'm sorry about that. With school ending and summer starting we are struggling to get into a schedule. Its rough with 4 kids 7 and under. So, my reading has declined.

In an effort to get my kids to read more I have started going to the library once a week. My 7 yr old loves to read, and reads very quickly. Right now, though he seems to be stuck in a rut. He only wants to read the Magic Treehouse books, which are great books, but he's read them all. So, I made him pick out another book. I admit I chose this book for him because Alexander McCall Smith is one of my favorite authors and I was pleased to see he writes Children's Books as well.

This post is brought to you by a guest poster. My son, we'll call him Lij. The following is in his words.

Akimbo and the Elephants is where Akimbo always wanted to go with his Dad to work. His Dad is a hunter who kills elephants for their tusks. Then, finally he gets to go to work with his Dad. Then he asks his Dad why he kills elephants. To find out read this book!

I like it not that much but I still like it. I liked learning about Africa. Other kids should read this book.
