Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Boy Who Dared

What I love about being part of a book club is reading books I would not normally pick up. This is one of them.

The Boy Who Dared is a World War II story so, it is sad, and hard to read. I struggle with anxiety and depression so I often choose to stick to happy books. When I am reading a book I know is going to be sad, I try to read it all in one day so that I don't drag the sadness on.

This is Historical Fiction and is based on a true story about an LDS boy who did what he could to fight against Hitler in Germany during World War II.

I felt the writing was a little disjointed, much like this review, but the story is well worth the read. It definitely shows the hardships the Germans faced during that time. To speak out meant certain death and the bravery shown by those that did was amazing.

This book is a Young Adult book, so it is also the perfect read for Jr High/High school age.

I definitely recommend this. It is good to learn about the past and understand what others survived.

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