Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Several years ago, before I had kids and too many distractions I used to go to art galleries and sit and make up stories about the paintings. Or, I would find them online and make up stories for them. Yes I always wanted to be a writer but I am too self-conscious to share my stories.

That is what Tracy Chevalier did, only so much more eloquently. She is well-educated and researched the history of Vermeer and his paintings for this book. According to Wikipedia, Tracy Chevalier had a poster of this painting hanging in her room for 16 years before writing the book. She credits the ambiguous look on the girl's face as her inspiration for this book.

She puts so much personality and heart into Griet, the girl in the painting, that you feel you know her. You also seem to understand why Vermeer would paint her. This book is a beautiful look at the life of a painter and his subjects. While it is fictional, you feel as if this is the story behind the painting. It is a wonderful read, and I definitely recommend it.

My friend who told me about this book has turned me on to a whole new author, because I need more books to read!

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