Friday, May 13, 2011

An Assembly Such as This

I am posting again! I know its been 9 months, holy long time batman! But, I started a new work from home job and am trying to juggle that with 4 kids and a husband who is never home, so needless to say I have been a busy bee.

I have been reading a lot less. Its tragic! But, things have slowed down and I recently pulled out 1 of my favorite book series. I can always tell when a book is great because even when I am reading it for the 2nd time (or 3rd or 4th as the case may be) I still can't put it down!

That is how I feel about this trilogy by Pamela Aidan. The first is An Assembly Such as This, then its Duty and Desire, and finally These Three remain.

I need to start by saying that even though its so cliche I love love love Pride and Prejudice. I reread it at least once a year. I have been interested in spin offs and different takes and have read a few, but this series catches my interest better than any other.

Pamela Aidan tells the story through Darcy's eyes. She is so true to the original, which as a purest I appreciate. She also delves into the changes that occurs in Darcy's mind as he learns to understand himself and the mistakes he made. It makes me appreciate the character of Darcy even more. Her language is very Austen-like and she is very knowledgeable about the history of the time.

The 2nd book in the series she writes as a gothic novel. I definitely enjoy gothic novels such as Jane Eyre and Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. It was a fun twist in the story, and an interesting way to tell Darcy's story line during the period when he is not in Pride and Prejudice.

She also expounds on Georgiana's character and introduces 2 new characters that I have come to love.

I really can't say enough good things about this book series. I hope more people get a chance to enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I finally figured out the author of this blog. I am going to the library to get some book on tapes for our Calif. trip. This blog is so helpful. You do such a great job with these books-thanks.
