Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

I am a little late on a book review. Its been a stressful week. So stressful in fact it took me a week and a half to finish the last Fabelhaven. Shocking!

I thought I would switch things up a bit and do a review of a book I didn't love. Well, saying that makes it sound better when in fact I hate this book. Yup, I said it. First of all I don't go for sappy love stories. Its just not my thing. I prefer slightly more realistic grown up love stories. Don't get me wrong, I love a good cheesy chick lit or chick flick, but this one just didn't work for me.

First of all, I found the hero, Henry, unlikable. I struggle rooting for a character that I just don't care for. I found him brash, gross, and mean. It definitely made it hard to care what happened to him.

Then there is Claire, the heroine. She is far more attractive and kind so I spent a lot of time wondering what she was doing with a creep.

Without giving too much away, and if you've seen the previews of the movie this shouldn't surprise you, I found the idea of a grown man visiting a little girl creepy. While nothing creepy happens it just screams of grooming. Almost like she had no choice in the matter.

This book has too many graphic scenes for my comfort, so if you are not comfortable with that this is definitely one to avoid. I gave it an R rating for that reason.

At any rate, I didn't find this book worth my time. I would love to hear from others who liked it, because it is wildly popular. Feel free to comment! Also, notice those nifty little buttons under my posts? I would love people to rate the books as well. I am always curious about what other think.

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