Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crocodile on the Sandbank

I have this irrational fear, and yes its weird. Every time I near the end of a series I start to panic as I read the books faster and faster. I think, what if I read every book in the World and there is nothing left to read. I would feel so, well, empty! After-all I rarely leave my house without a book in my purse and my MP3 Player is always playing a book on tape. I confessed this to my husband last night, you know, the one who thinks my reading is a bad habit. He laughed and said maybe I would run out of good books to read but there would be plenty of trash. Well, I have barely scraped the surface, so, no worries, right!

If that sad day were to come to pass, I would always have Amelia Peabody. Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters is the first book in her Amelia Peabody series. This series has 19 books, I have read 18 of them, and loved them all. #19 came out just a few weeks ago, I can't wait to read it!

Elizabeth Peters has her PHD in Egyptology from the Univ of Chicago. This series of books surrounds a family of archeologists starting in 1884. Her main characters are fictional but so much in the book is factual. In fact, Howard Carter makes an appearance in several of the later books. For those who don't know, he is the archeologist who discovered King Tut's tomb. Her mix of fact and fiction is very enlightening. It has fueled my Egypt obsession!

Her characters are so original and engaging. I feel like I know them, that I am part of their family. I am halfway through the series for the 2nd time and I still love every second of it. This is a must read! I know that 19 books is such a daunting undertaking, however, each book stands on its own. You won't need to read them all to get the entire story, but you will want to!

These books are very clean, but rated PG for occasional early English cursing, and some light violence.


  1. deffinately going on my list!!

  2. I think you recommended these to me before. I have read the first few and LOVED them! I will have to keep going in the series
