Friday, May 13, 2011

An Assembly Such as This

I am posting again! I know its been 9 months, holy long time batman! But, I started a new work from home job and am trying to juggle that with 4 kids and a husband who is never home, so needless to say I have been a busy bee.

I have been reading a lot less. Its tragic! But, things have slowed down and I recently pulled out 1 of my favorite book series. I can always tell when a book is great because even when I am reading it for the 2nd time (or 3rd or 4th as the case may be) I still can't put it down!

That is how I feel about this trilogy by Pamela Aidan. The first is An Assembly Such as This, then its Duty and Desire, and finally These Three remain.

I need to start by saying that even though its so cliche I love love love Pride and Prejudice. I reread it at least once a year. I have been interested in spin offs and different takes and have read a few, but this series catches my interest better than any other.

Pamela Aidan tells the story through Darcy's eyes. She is so true to the original, which as a purest I appreciate. She also delves into the changes that occurs in Darcy's mind as he learns to understand himself and the mistakes he made. It makes me appreciate the character of Darcy even more. Her language is very Austen-like and she is very knowledgeable about the history of the time.

The 2nd book in the series she writes as a gothic novel. I definitely enjoy gothic novels such as Jane Eyre and Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. It was a fun twist in the story, and an interesting way to tell Darcy's story line during the period when he is not in Pride and Prejudice.

She also expounds on Georgiana's character and introduces 2 new characters that I have come to love.

I really can't say enough good things about this book series. I hope more people get a chance to enjoy it!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Several years ago, before I had kids and too many distractions I used to go to art galleries and sit and make up stories about the paintings. Or, I would find them online and make up stories for them. Yes I always wanted to be a writer but I am too self-conscious to share my stories.

That is what Tracy Chevalier did, only so much more eloquently. She is well-educated and researched the history of Vermeer and his paintings for this book. According to Wikipedia, Tracy Chevalier had a poster of this painting hanging in her room for 16 years before writing the book. She credits the ambiguous look on the girl's face as her inspiration for this book.

She puts so much personality and heart into Griet, the girl in the painting, that you feel you know her. You also seem to understand why Vermeer would paint her. This book is a beautiful look at the life of a painter and his subjects. While it is fictional, you feel as if this is the story behind the painting. It is a wonderful read, and I definitely recommend it.

My friend who told me about this book has turned me on to a whole new author, because I need more books to read!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Boy Who Dared

What I love about being part of a book club is reading books I would not normally pick up. This is one of them.

The Boy Who Dared is a World War II story so, it is sad, and hard to read. I struggle with anxiety and depression so I often choose to stick to happy books. When I am reading a book I know is going to be sad, I try to read it all in one day so that I don't drag the sadness on.

This is Historical Fiction and is based on a true story about an LDS boy who did what he could to fight against Hitler in Germany during World War II.

I felt the writing was a little disjointed, much like this review, but the story is well worth the read. It definitely shows the hardships the Germans faced during that time. To speak out meant certain death and the bravery shown by those that did was amazing.

This book is a Young Adult book, so it is also the perfect read for Jr High/High school age.

I definitely recommend this. It is good to learn about the past and understand what others survived.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Princess Diaries

I have a hard time reviewing books that are in series. I am not sure exactly how to review the first book without alluding to, or talking about the other books in the series. Well, I'll do my best.

The is the first book in a series of 14 books. A few are mini books that take place in between the major books. I have read 13. I am still waiting to get the last one from the library.

Now, I am going to write for a minute with the idea that most of my readers have seen the movie. I am a big believer in reading the book before the movie. Ironically, my wonderful Husband believes it seeing the movie first. But then, he feels about movies the way I feel about books. I also believe that most books are better than the movie. Lets face it, you can't get everything great about a book into the movie.

Now, this is one of my exceptions. I actually prefer the movie, and I will tell you why. First, the Grandmother. Now, who among us would not love to suddenly find out that we have a Grandmother we didn't know, and for her to be the wonderful, talented, beautiful, Julie Andrews. She is what each of us would picture as a queen. In the book, the Grandmother is not so great. She is a chain smoking, drinking, coarse, fashion obsessed woman. Her character is probably more realistic, but come on, when I read my silly young adult books I am obviously not looking for realism.

The Father is alive in the books as well. Now this is less realistic to me. She has a Father that she has known growing up, but she didn't know he was a Prince? Really? She seems a little dense.

Now, the movie aside, the books are enjoyable. They are not what I would consider great literature, but for a fun, easy read, they are fine. The author definitely has a sense of humor. In one of the later books, and forgive me, I can't remember which one, she mentions the movies. She talks about Mia watching a movie about her life and how the movie got everything wrong.

These book are obviously geared toward the tween/teen crowd. I feel they are appropriate for that age group. There is some talk about losing your virginity, but the girl does not, and its not the focus of the book.

Now, as a fun aside, I will list a few more books where the movie was better. The Horse Whisperer. Book - dumbest ending ever!! Movie - Robert Redford. (Need I say more). New Moon. The book spends way to much time with Bella whining. The movie brilliantly condenses it to just a few min. I will add more as I remember.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Or, know to librarians Worldwide, That Guernsey book.

I loved loved loved loved this book. It will go on my list as one of my all time favorites. It was amazing. I want to live in Guernsey.

I love listening to books on tape. I listen in my car as I drive my kids to school, I listen in my house as I do my housework. Its my way of never being away from a book.

I am very selective about what I listen to vs what I read. My kids are always around so I don't want to listen to anything that might have things I don't want my kids to hear, not that they pay much attention. This book is the perfect book to listen to. Not only is it clean, the readers are great. The main character Juliette is adorable. I want to be British. How great would it be to speak in a beautiful accent.

In the beginning this book can be a little confusing. It is written as a series of letters, and takes place immediately after World War II. But, bare with it because before long you will fall in love with the people. It is also a great book for book lovers. They spend a good portion of the book talking about books. That is my favorite subject of all, besides my children, so what's not to love about a book that talks about books! I definitely want to go read the books they talk about now!

This book has great heart and leaves you feeling like there is love in the World. You must must must read this book! I can't possibly say enough things about it! I am in love!

My favorite quote from this book - "That's what I love about reading: one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing will lead you to another book, and another bit there will lead you onto a third book. It's geometrically progressive - all with no end in sight, and for no other reason than sheer enjoyment."

A note about the author. Mary Ann Shaffer passed away in Feb. 2008 before she was able to finish this book. Her niece, Annie Barrows, finished the book for her. Its amazing how seamlessly she was able to complete it. Annie Barrows writes Children's books.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Akimbo and the Elephants reviewed by Lij

I have been MIA lately and I'm sorry about that. With school ending and summer starting we are struggling to get into a schedule. Its rough with 4 kids 7 and under. So, my reading has declined.

In an effort to get my kids to read more I have started going to the library once a week. My 7 yr old loves to read, and reads very quickly. Right now, though he seems to be stuck in a rut. He only wants to read the Magic Treehouse books, which are great books, but he's read them all. So, I made him pick out another book. I admit I chose this book for him because Alexander McCall Smith is one of my favorite authors and I was pleased to see he writes Children's Books as well.

This post is brought to you by a guest poster. My son, we'll call him Lij. The following is in his words.

Akimbo and the Elephants is where Akimbo always wanted to go with his Dad to work. His Dad is a hunter who kills elephants for their tusks. Then, finally he gets to go to work with his Dad. Then he asks his Dad why he kills elephants. To find out read this book!

I like it not that much but I still like it. I liked learning about Africa. Other kids should read this book.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

I am a little late on a book review. Its been a stressful week. So stressful in fact it took me a week and a half to finish the last Fabelhaven. Shocking!

I thought I would switch things up a bit and do a review of a book I didn't love. Well, saying that makes it sound better when in fact I hate this book. Yup, I said it. First of all I don't go for sappy love stories. Its just not my thing. I prefer slightly more realistic grown up love stories. Don't get me wrong, I love a good cheesy chick lit or chick flick, but this one just didn't work for me.

First of all, I found the hero, Henry, unlikable. I struggle rooting for a character that I just don't care for. I found him brash, gross, and mean. It definitely made it hard to care what happened to him.

Then there is Claire, the heroine. She is far more attractive and kind so I spent a lot of time wondering what she was doing with a creep.

Without giving too much away, and if you've seen the previews of the movie this shouldn't surprise you, I found the idea of a grown man visiting a little girl creepy. While nothing creepy happens it just screams of grooming. Almost like she had no choice in the matter.

This book has too many graphic scenes for my comfort, so if you are not comfortable with that this is definitely one to avoid. I gave it an R rating for that reason.

At any rate, I didn't find this book worth my time. I would love to hear from others who liked it, because it is wildly popular. Feel free to comment! Also, notice those nifty little buttons under my posts? I would love people to rate the books as well. I am always curious about what other think.